Thursday 19 April 2012

DUe to my home computer going offline

This blog has been fairly quiet.
I'll upload the week 5 and week 6 reports within the next three days.
8 Considering the amount of work I have given myself for my final installation of work, I am starting early and working on pieces this week. The piece I know the most about where it's going is the Grimoire, and so I started the week oil painting another small skull to go inside the grimoire, along with the words"The story's in the soil, keep your ear to the ground" which is to hopefully act as an introduction to my project. I'm also looking at various stories across the occult and various religions that I would enjoy illustrating for my series of stippled images.
A reoccuring imagery in the stories that drew me in the most were of the butterfly.
I felt the black sun was relevant as an alchemy term and I also enjoyed the imagery conjured by alternate stories surrounding it. And I feel it's links to the butterfly and the black sun being used as a symbol of incomplete magnum opus makes it very relevant to a Christian tale of the butterfly freed from it's cocoon.

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