Monday 5 March 2012

Useful Wicca information

Wicca is the largest of the Neopagan religions. Wiccans have great reverence for the Earth and for their Goddess and her consort, the horned God. Their main rule of behavior is the Wiccan Rede which forbids them from harming people, including themselves, except in some cases of self-defense.
Many, perhaps most, are solitary practitioners. Others form small groups of believers, called covens, groves, etc. Because of centuries of religious propaganda and misinformation, many conservative Christians, and others, associate Wiccans with Satanistseven though the two belief systems are as different as Christianity and Atheism.
Our essays on Wicca are very different from those on Christianity.
bulletWicca is a very decentralized religion; many Wiccans develop their own beliefs, rituals, and other practices. The latter are often not known outside the solitary practitioner or Wiccan coven. So we describe the beliefs and practices that most Wiccans hold in common.
bulletMost of Christianity is highly centralized within denominations whose beliefs, rituals, and other practices are well documented and available to us. So we describe the diversity of Christian beliefs in great detail. 

Topics covered in this section:

bulletIntroduction << Please read this essay first
bulletSome Wiccan introductory videos
bulletReligious words with multiple, quite different meanings:
bulletQuestions about Wicca:

bulletWiccan FAQs
bulletSpecific questions people ask us about Wicca
bulletIs Wicca a form of Satanism?
  • Part 1: Overview. Various views of Satanism & Wicca
  • Part 2: Contributing factors. Similarities. Conclusions. Recommendations
bulletBackground material:

bulletHistory of Wicca
bulletThe relationship among Christianity, ancient Celtic beliefs and Witchcraft
bulletThe extermination of heretics during the "Burning Times" 
bulletWicca and the Bible

How to become a Wiccan

bulletThe first known Wiccan beauty queen
bulletModern-day Wicca:

bulletStatements about Wicca:

bullet"Principles of Wiccan Belief" (1974)
bulletA Pledge to Pagan Spirituality (1960)
bulletOverview of practices, rituals, etc.
bulletRule of behavior: the Wiccan Rede
bulletWiccan sabbats (seasonal days of celebration)
bulletWiccan spells and charms
bulletSome often confused symbols: pentacle, pentagram, & the Sigil of Baphomet
bulletThe meaning of pentacle & pentagram symbols to their users. Dress code conflicts in schools.
bulletHandfasting (marriage)
bulletThe 'Lady's Prayer'
bulletComing-of-age ritual
bulletHow many Wiccans are there?
bulletTeens and Wicca
bulletAn essay for non-Wiccan school teachers and parents
bulletIs Wicca a religion?

bulletU.S. district court recognition of Wicca as a religion
bulletAn excerpt on Wicca from the U.S. Army chaplain's handbook
bulletWiccan & Neopagan news items in the media
bulletHatred of Wicca and discrimination against Wiccans:
bulletHistorical hatred and oppression of Wiccans and other Neopagans

bulletValid and invalid information about Wicca on the Internet
bulletReview of an article on Wicca by the Watchman Fellowship
bulletVia radio
bullet"Dr Laura Schlessinger" & Wicca
bulletChristian-Wiccan relationships:

bulletCan a person be a both a Wiccan and a Christian?
bulletReligious hate propaganda: one story; many versions; all false
bulletThreats and conflicts between Christians and Wiccans
bulletA joint Christian-Neopagan environmental project
bulletNeopagan request for inclusion in Pope John Paul II's apology
bulletChristian opposition to Wiccans in the U.S. Army:

bulletChristian boycott against Wiccans in the military
bulletFamily Research Council essay about Wicca and the Army
bulletU.S. Government and political leaders' views toward Wicca:

bulletBigotry in the Veterans' Administration concerning grave markers
bulletBigotry in the Chaplain's service concerning Wiccan priests
bulletThe 1st "Burning Times" award given to Governor Johanns (NE)
bulletThe 2nd "Burning Times" award given to Rep. Barr (GA)
bulletYear 2000 presidential candidates' opinions of Wicca
bulletDiscrimination by municipal councils:

bulletChesterfield County, VA
bulletGreat Falls, SC

bulletWiccan terms
bulletReferences to Wicca in the media, books, from the '80s and '90s etc
bulletDefinitions of "witch" in dictionaries, etc.
bulletWiccan resources:

bulletImportant Wiccan resources
bulletAdditional Wiccan resources
bulletWiccan educational and anti-defamation Groups
bulletA national or international education/anti-defamation group
bulletHow to contact a local Wiccan or a Wiccan coven
bulletBooks on Wicca
bulletMisc. items:
bulletWitchcraft in Africa and India
bullet"Witchcraft" in the Canadian criminal code
bulletAbout Halloween -- facts and fables

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